Monday, December 3, 2007

New Cabin in the Smoky Mountains

Hey to ya'll who wanted updates about our cabin. I'll be posting new construction photos as the place goes up! To get things started I'll update you with some photos of what we've been doing the past few months. Enjoy...and ask any questions and I'll make sure Rodger answers them!!
The "rough" road heading up to the cabin.

Tina standing in the cornor of the house...probably right about where the truck will be parked in the garage!!!

This is Tina standing on what will be the first floor of the cabin.

Pictures of the excavation...or the guy messing around...You decide...LOL
And YES...those our his kids up there (Jill nearly had a coronary over this!!)

1 comment:

jkferguson said...

Yea!! Cant wait for completion. Love and miss you guys.